GoOD mORnIng ALl.....
Today is a BEeAutiFul Day - here at the Jersey Shore, crocuses are popping - birds are chirping - and Teresa McFayden has announced the Instructors of "SILveR BeLLA 2009" ...I am sooo glad that I am at the hive today STILL R&Ring, to see this good news --- but I am sooo aching to go out into the yard and unearth all the Putch-nics - this was my grandmother's nick-name for all the little growths that pop up all over this time of the season...

Ohhhh mY GOsh!!!.. let's get back to Silver Bella - there is such a GREATTTT line up of instructors - three of my favorites are Kaari Meng, Anna Corba AND Pam Garrison - but I admire ALL of the instructors' works, they are as follows - Rebecca Sower, Charlotte Lyons, D. Sharp, Jennifer Murphy and the SILVER BELLA QUEEN HERSELF - Teresa McFayden....I made a promise to myself and Mrs. Yellow Finchie "Aunt Min" - THAT I aka "QBeeC" WILL BE GOING TO THIS YEAR'S SILVER BELLA 2009 (and yes I am screaming this on the top of my lungs) I will save every little bit of Honey I have to get me there and back maybe I can start a "Bee-line Express" to Omaha, Nebraska with fellow Jersey followers/groupies of Silver Bella to go there with - it could be Bella Orient Express train ride or an up up away to my beautiful Silver Lining Balloon ......I can't tell you how excited I am - I been through a lot this past year & a half that I know deep in my heart I deserve this Luxury....I am a True Believer of if you Ask-Believe and Recieve "GOD" will bring it to you, you gotta have "FAITH"...I want to go to sooo many more events that are going forward but I have to take it slow because of $$$ - but this event is the "Mother Load" of all events and I wouldn't miss it for the gotta have HIGH HOPes, you got High hOPes, High APpLE Pie in the SKy Hopes!!!another favorite of mine -"Fairy Tales will come TRuE it can HAPPEN to YOU if you are YoUNg at HEarT....
Here's to all your wishes and dreams coming true....
Have a Honey of a Day!
Grace & Peace 2 "U" :O)
XOXOMarlene aka "QBeeC"
I'm so excited, too! I REALLY hope to go this year-picking classes will be tough will all those GREAT instructors!