I'm getting ready for work tomorrow....seems weird - since I've been off a week for Recovery and R&R, I guess I should say RR&R....its not that bad going back.....because on Friday the 27
th not only did the Land of
blOZ find out the instructors of Silver Bella 2009...but I found out who my May Day Basket Swap"
ette" Partner from the "Year of Color" is - the ever tropical
Mizz Parrot Karen of " recycledrita.blogspot.com ".....oh this is going to be
sooo much fun (especially now that I aka "
QBeeC" figure out how to put pictures on my
blOZ )....Karen is such a doll and we both hit it off right away....we've been rambling back & forth and found out we have a lot in common....for one thing we both like our feathery friends - which lead us to our theme of the Basket - yes you guess it "Birds - and our Motto is ***
bIrDS oF a
fEAthEr -
hAve FuN tOGetHEr***...I can't wait to go & do some hunting for treasures in some fab places here in New Jersey and in New York and on
Etsy and lets not forget about creating items too - let the FUN Begin!....
So - like the girl up above whistling in the rain and smiling...I too am smiling b/c though I have to go to work tomorrow and its raining here too like the picture - I can still see the Rainbow that is a head when the rain ends...
Have a honey of a night - sweet dreams!
Marlene aka "QBeeC" :O)
I just posted pictures.....what fun!!!!!! I am ready for our next trip. You name it and let's go!!!!!!