One more day of R&R and I'll be "A" Okay to go back to work on Monday...since I have this time to be hanging out in my Sweet Hive, I've been bizzy getting some of my swap creations finish so that I can mail them out on Saturday....
I had a lot of friends/family stop by, to check in on me --- soooo sweet of them....anddd they brought a lot of goodies with them....lots of home chicken theme dishes - chicken soup, chicken salad, baked chicken, fried chicken and what came before the chicken "Egg" salad....by next week my feathers should be coming in to replace my bee wings (LOL)...all kidding aside it was really NICE of them to all come by....
One of my friends that stopped by today, was Mizz Laurie "Cricket"...she's a good friend and a fantastic artist...last fall we did the Ocean Grove Craft Show together at the Jersey Shore - we were interviewed by a reporter of the Asbury Park Press, low and behold are interview was in the Sunday paper and history was made, we were dub "Two Twisted Chicks " an "Egg"ceptional Pair I might add (LOL)...as we sat around today & yakked away, we decided to do Ocean Grove again...so the "2 Twisted Chicks" will be appearing again for the second time on May 30th at Ocean Grove....I'll keep you posted...
I'm going to call it a night --- for doing not a lot for the past few days, boy am I tucker out, I guess you can say that this Twisted Chick feels like an old Hen right now (it must be a chicken thing day today LOL)... I gotta get my bUzZ back....
Have a honey of a night and sweet dreams!
Marlene aka "QBeeC" akkkaaa One Twisted Chick (LOL) :O)
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