So - like the girl up above whistling in the rain and smiling...I too am smiling b/c though I have to go to work tomorrow and its raining here too like the picture - I can still see the Rainbow that is a head when the rain ends...
The Colorful Ms. Butterfly - Kari of a "YeAR of COlor" - is hosting a Banner swap and I'm also in the ATC's Monthly Swap and the May Basket Swap...
Well, I better get myself moving, creating and swapping....oh and I can't forget today is "Show and Tell - Tuesday"...in the past couple of months I've actually been in a few other swaps that were loads of fun...I have a few pics of the things I've made for your viewing pleasure...I'm going to make it an assignment of mine to "Show and Tell - Something Every Tuesday"....Enjoy - comments are truly welcome....
Come on Mar-loanie...we have to wake up sleepy head....the Greatest Show is in town and we must get ready and put on our Sunday Best! The Carnival Soiree is TODAY, our friend Lisa Kettel of Faerie Enchantment will be running the GREATEST SHOW all day - but wait what's this I hear there are many many more people and blogs to appear...... so run, we don't want to be late - we have far to go - let's get a move on it... let's spread the word to all our family and friends - to go and enjoy the show!
Okay, okay Tom"beanie", I'm up! and ready to go and have some FUN...I've already spread the word to "Crazy Cousin Marleanie" and all the rest of the gang....they said they're on the way. You NEVER know who might show from our neck of the woods...
Well...We're off to see the Soiree - the wonderful Carnival of blOZ!... just follow the directions from Lisa to the wonderful colorful road of blOZ!
See you later, alligator! Don't be late! Looks's like some of the gang is here....let the PARTY begin!
Stay tuned for more fun....................