I would like to visit just for a little while - to tell you about two events that are going to happen (if you are keeping count this is my #2 entry)....in my last post I talk about
friends that I've met in "blOZ Land".....well I've met many crafty women and one of them is Kari from ArtsyMama..Kari will be hosting a party tomorrow a"Blog Party" that is, so please stop by her blog to see what all the excitement is about...it's going to be a blast - there are a lot of bloggers on the roll list that will be attending, so please spot on by...and enjoy the party...

There is a ocean of things that you can follow in the "Land of blOZ" you just have to jump in and get yourself wet with the endless places you can go to by just hitting enter...

Have a honey of a night - may sweet things come your way!
Grace Peace & Joy 2 "U"
Would love to meet those gals....sounds like a great event!