Drum roll please....as I mention before - I would me announcing the winner of my Bee Give Away on my 49th post on my birthday.....well the WINNER is Mrs. Stephanie Oyler come on down...you have just won the give away goodies - (candies, glitter, cards, stickers, charms, birthday candle holders & much much more)....I will reach out to you through e-mail to get your addy info....Congratulations!

I'm signing off now...its has been a wonderful day for me - full of many surprises and treats and give aways - actually I won a give away today from Heather of Speckled Egg, she has the neatest things to create with Yippee Yahoo for me I can't wait to spend my gift certificate - it was a great surprise...to all of you out there in blOZ Land - thank you for leaving me comments on my blOZ and in my e-mail and on my facebook....I added everyone in that left me a comment on any of these places...I am soooo glad to get to chat with you all and I hope that you do stop by again...tomorrow I will be announcing a something new & exciting....and my next give away will be on my 99th post...I know I know why the 99th - some of you are saying the heck, but I guess you can say I have a thing for nines 2009, 49, 99, its a good thing...
Good Night All - please do stop by any time...I promise to always leave a light on...
Have a honey of a night - sweet dreams!
Grace, Peace, Joy & Love 2 "U" all...