I can tell that I've been home to long or should I say I've been held prisoner in my Hive Sweet Hive much longer than I excepted due to a foot/ankle injury

that happen close to two weeks ago....so since Tuesday of this week I've been home - other than going to the doctor's, I have not left my house... which gave me time to go rummaging/organizing/creating/go through photos/I've watched very little of t.v. because all that is on is either about Michael Jackson or tennis, and I think I've watch my quote on both subjects....one of the things that I did do was go through photos of my life from when I was very young till now....and boy have I change, not only in the

way I look but in the way I look at life....I've had many hardships, disadvantages, loss of love ones, health problems... "BUT" in return I've had many-many-many good things happen and wonderful people that God has put into my life... I know for sure that with time I will be BLESSED with many-many more good things & good people in my life...
But there is one thing that stay the same in my life and that is my face features & my Quirky Goofy smile.....I don't know what it is & where I get it from but its a "HABIT" of mine that hasn't change with time...... I think that my face has grown on me, even with its laugh lines & wrinkles & freckles I can say - its stand the test of time....
So I raise my glass to all of you out there in blOZ Land & say, here's to the quirky things in your LIFE that make you smile.....
Have a honey of a night & may sweet things come your way!.
Grace Peace & Many Blessings 2 U All
Marlene :O)
Happy fourth. Love that smile and quirk are a good thing in life! Hope that foot is on the mend and you can celebrate the day!
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