I've been blessed with SOOO MANY Beautiful Women and TALENTED too - as my Swap"ette" partner(s)...I am so glad that I join these swaps - just because I get to meet so many of you from blOZ Land...and to think that I don't even have to leave my little art studio to meet you all...too cool and amazing...

On another note - Daffodil Sunday (April 5th) has come and gone..but Easter will soon be upon us....today was su
ch a beautiful day - I got to see all the new life popping up all around us...it is just glorious... Even Miss Fairy Grey was sitting and taking in some sun with the daffy dillys...and the bunnies Wilbert & Fred are patiently waiting the arrival of their Uncle "Mr. Rabbit"
himself - the celeb of the family and the boys look up to him - they want to be just as giving as he is for Easter....

Last thing for the night....just a little update on my art room...remember the Inspiration Board that I made a week or two ago, well this 

I wanted to show you all, some one I found hanging around at the trash pick up...well I couldn't let her s
tand there all by herself - so I told her to jump into my back sit and I would bring her home...and get her all gussie up for the big shing ding for the "Mermaid Tea" - don't you think she will look just Splashy in a Mermaid dress - I can't wait to help her out for the event...a little sea weed here and little shells there and a pearl or two...ohhh and the head piece to die for....

Have a honey of a day tomorrow!

I think it's time to call it a night...my two guys are sleeping away on the floor...they had a fun day running after each other in the back yard - so I bid you a good night and sweet dreams...I'll always leave a light on just in case you want to stop by and leave a note...

Have a honey of a day tomorrow!
Grace & Peace 2 "U"
Marlene aka "QBeeC" :O)
Your inspiration board looks great---your doggies adorable...I am looking forward to Lisa's mermaid tea next week---it should be fun. Happy Easter--enjoy the weekend!!!!!