Friday, February 25, 2011

One More Time...A NEW hive to stop by. . . .

"hONeY cOmB cOTtaGE"

Heloooo All...  Haven't been here in a while. just buzzing by to say please stop by my new hive ....  my new location is  it's really a sweet little place and will have quite a bit of activity everyday.... I've actually started on Valentine's Day the sweetest day of the year a journey of 365 days of "a daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" ~ its where you can see a bee a day ~ whether real, made in some sort of mix medium, a gift given to me, & so on...BUT all of my entries MUST have a bee picture in it..... I think it will bee a lot of fun not only for you but for me too....  so if you're in the area please do stop by and say "HI"...  Have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams ! Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . . .