On another note, below are just a few of the things that I am thankful for during this Thanksgiving Holiday....
* I am thankful that God is always there when I need Him - even though it seems like sometimes I'm all alone but I can rest assure that He is standing right a long side of me...
* I am thankful that I am here to be able to write this message - that my health is gradually improving and will be improving much much more in the months to come...
* I am thankful for my family - whether I still have the honor & pleasure of having them here on earth or even Heaven above...for all that they had to put up with me, to taking me in - in my time of need, for ALWAYS being there
* I am thankful for my friends - that are always there when I need: a helping hand, or shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to my woes & blessings, food for when times get a little tough not only food for the body but food for the soul also...
* I am thankful that I am blessed with not only one job but with two & a half....
* I am thankful for my artistic talents that God has given me...
* I am thankful for my trip to Silver Bella....and enjoying the company of many TALENTED women from all over the United States (this will be another blOZ entry)

*These are just a few of the things that I am thankful for....
Grace Peace & Joy 2 U,
PS...Ohhhh I forgot to note a little hint on my change - discovering new & old things ohhh the presents that life gives...