Welcome.....allllll you Ghosts & Ghouls...I am sooo glad that you could stop by...Howard the Owl heard you coming a mile away. So good ole Howard decided to start giving out some "HOOTS" so that you might find your way faster here.... Ohhhh isn't that funny - you thought boarder up Mizz Bee's old place was ours... Oh my dear NO NO NO

she's buzzzzzed out of here a long time ago. When her true love Mr. Four Eyes turn to stone...it just broke her heart to past by his statue everyday, she wanted to put on his glasses, so that he could see how madl

y in love she was with him...ohhh thats another story .... let's continue with OUR visit...

Might I ask did you come through the Magical Port Hole to get here...its the only one along this road...and its the only one around for hundreds of miles... this hole can transport you to many many grand places...BUT its the "Ancient Bootiful Carved Doors" known as the "ABCD's" that bring to you an alphabetical magical zany place that not many have gone before the place is called Vanessa "Fanicful Twist Blog" - where the zaniest funniest magical Party is going on....you definitely do not want to miss this party - its the party of all parties - where ALL put on thei

r best dress and webs so that ALL may see... So please do stop by and tell her I said "HI"...
I won't hold you up much longer you will have many places to visit once you stop and visit Fanciful Twist Blog Party...
Let me look at your palm and I can tell you your future....I see a very haunting & exciting day coming your way...so ENJOY it as much as you can...because this chance is ONCE in a life time...
Mr. Black Eye Crow came out of his cage just for you so that he may make a treat or two for you to taste... ohhhh look at the size of that dev

il egg he made what a funny lit

tle chef is he.. but see that he has even prepare a few sweet treats for you to take on your magical journey of fun... don't eat them all at once I know that some of the other ghouls have treats waiting for you too...store some in your caravan a

nd save them for later...
Hurry time is slipping by real fast...you don't want to

miss anyone or anything....have a BlAST...
Stop by again real soon...and I will make a fresh batch of brew....

Have a Haunting Good Night!
Grace Peace Joy & many Blessings 2 U all