It's been a few days since my last post...but I've been a BIZZY gal - but between my full time job, my part time job at Anthropologie and my 2nd p/t job babysitting and trying sooo hard to get better health wise - I've been a little crazed... but this will pass.. Like the Ostrich I finally decided to get my head out of the ground and start poking around at new and adventurous things... and stand tall & proud.....
So I am here to announce that I will be opening up an Etsy Shop with items that I've created and things that I have found...so please stay tuned to your nearest computer and follow the updates and postings on this new adventure....

Last but not least there will be a third announcement but that will be announced at a later date.... so I hope that you all are like the Ostrich & have but your head up HIGH to discover what is in the sky for you to see... EXPLORE is a word that I will be using a lot in time to come....
Have a honey of a night - sweet dreams!
Grace Peace Joy & Many Blessings 2 "U"
P.S. - The friendly little Ostrich in this post is a display in Anthropologie - she is too cute and she is looking for her egg...