Where has the time gone by....one moment its 8, then noon, and now its 5 - time for afternoon tea and treats ....I've set the table for two but I can always pull up a chair or more.....please take a seat and WELCOME to my "Not So Secret Garden"......take a stroll through the
garden...while I make us some tea -I will put on a steaming pot of water for ou
r tea to brew, but for those who would like to have a glass of ice tea with mint & a side of sweet syrup for you to add too...there is honey & lemon if you need a little something more...I am so glad that you were able to stop and explore beyond the gate to my little garden...which is just a small garden for me to adore...ohhh - I understand that you don't want to be late for all the others that are having tea too...so hurry along & tell them all that I said "Hi!" and to please stop by my "Hive Sweet Hive"...Till the next time that we meet....

Have a honey of day! May Sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka "QBeeC"